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I am scared of talking to women, i feel they will find me weird and won’t be interested in talking to me
Feeling very scared and it’s affecting my life
Especially when going out.

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I feel no one likes to talk or interact with me.

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Right now that’s what I’m feeling, old school and weird. I suffer from gynophobia which makes it even harder to have any interaction. Am in the worst place right now emotionally.


It’s alright to be scared but what matters is atleast trying. You might just have some bad experience or else seen something which made you feel scared but don’t worry it’s nothing. As far as talking goes no one can do anything. If they don’t like you they won’t speak further and that’s fine, someone else will like youu. Moreover if you ain’t funny find a funny girl. As someone earlier also said we girls don’t bite.


You are right about the bad experience thing, they scarred me and any interaction with women triggers my gynophobia and makes me very anxious and sweaty. I go to the gym very early so that I won’t have to stay in the same room with any women but sometimes it happens and it makes me feel very nervous.


I am very scared they will find me creepy and file a case again for Eve teasing, because of this fear I avoid looking at women and just turn my head whenever I make any eye contact. Gynophobia is rare and I feel ashamed.


No you needn’t feel ashamed but from what i gather it’s something which can be solved by more professional help rather than us. And i am glad that you are seeking therapy hope it helps you.


Thank you, the therapist said it’s difficult and that’s what makes me feel sad right now, i just want to be normal.


And also whatever makes you think women might file a case i don’t think it’s true not unless you actually do something. And since all you need is just a friendship you don’t have anything to be scared of. Just maintain distance and be yourself. Tell them about how you are a bit uncomfortable and trust me most of the women are considerate they will understand your situation.


It’s difficult but not impossible. Take your time. Early 30s isn’t too late and fearing women doesn’t make you abnormal but just a bit different, unique even. Just like you are the first one i have stumbled across with such phobia and now i will always remember you.


Thank you for this, i already feel very guilty and ashamed about this, none of my real life friends know about this and I always make up some story whenever I get confronted regarding the same. This phobia is very rare and I am already feeling very bad about myself. I don’t think unique is the right word


If it makes you feel better anything can be the right word. I know it isn’t something to boast about or feel proud of but it also not something to be ashamed of. You can’t help it or you didn’t have it on purpose. And you don’t need many female friends just find one with whom you feel comfortable with and resolve it by spending time with her. Do you feel the same towards female member of your families too? If not then ask them for help maybe you will feel at ease


I don’t think any women would ever be interested in talking to me


I am speaking to you ain’t I? And i found you just fine. You are polite, humble and decent. I don’t know about boring but people tend to draw conclusions from one or two interactions. Even in my case people who don’t know me or just have spoken to me once or twice think i am arrogant and boring. But it doesn’t matter to me because i know i am not either of those. I have my people with whom i am comfortable enough to be interesting. Other people be damned if they think i am boring. Similarly it’s not you whose boring or interesting it’s the company you have that brings that side pf yours and don’t tell me you ain’t interesting because everyone is one or the other way.


Texting is somewhat ok for me but real life interaction is kind of traumatic, if given a choice I’ll always avoid any kind of interaction, my therapist is a woman and on my bad day I avoid any kind of eye contact in therapy sessions.


I don’t think they find me even friendship worthy or even interested in talking to me. I feel they look at me with disgust and scared of me. I don’t wanna end up in jail for making a woman uncomfortable by looking at her or trying to talk to her. My fear has made me adopt the policy of - maximum distance from women and minimum interaction. I recently read an article of an old man living with gynophobia and he stayed in his home only with high walls set up to avoid any interaction with women, ironically his neighbourhood woman used to throw food packets for him and he would pick it up once they’re gone. While mine is not that severe, the phobia fear is there.


I think it might be your body language which creates the resistance not you. Like due to your phobia you become nervouse around women and because of that fear you start acting weird and different unintentionally. And because of which women might find you unsafe. Like don’t get me wrong it isn’t entirely their fault if this is the case you know. And we can’t blame you either. But try to remain calm atleast outwardly. Atleast pretend to be confident even you aren’t. And start with small steps. Make a minute conversation personally with some woman. And just for that one minute pretend to be confident even if inside your phobia is making you uncomfortable. I don’t know if i am making sense but yeahh


I am not sure if I give out a really weird body language, whenever I enter a room I analyse it and find a safe spot so I don’t have to interact with any woman and what little interaction I have i try to keep it short and formal, on the same note I don’t have much gynophobia issue at a shop and talking to a saleswoman but in there I don’t go beyond enquiring about the product. It’s socializing that is hard, even in college I felt the same.


Ohkayy. I don’t think I have anything that can help me unfortunately. But I really hope you will overcome this phobia and actually be comfortable with women around you because everyone deserves someone like you as their friend. Hope your therapy helps you!!


Thank you, take care and i wish you all the best friendo.


I am only comfortable talking to my mother and my cousin’s sister. It’s even hard while I was in college, i tried interacting with the girls from my class but they found me boring and wasn’t interested in being good friends.


Okay don’t be offended i am just asking this politely. Have you in any way misbehaved or spoken in ill mannered way with a woman?


No I haven’t. I rarely talk and most of the time the women initiate the conversation. I get anxious and sweaty at the thought of being in close proximity with women, even while travelling in public transport I stay as far as possible from any woman.


Is this the case since childhood? And only with women you don’t personally know?


Yes as far as I can remember this has been the case, even true with women in my family bearing a few exceptions.


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