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I am procrastinating too much! Any tips to stop being lazy and just start working!

9 replies

Count me in. You can’t be better than me! 😤

What makes bdw??


Think of why ?
I mean if there is any task you want to finish it asap then think of the reason !
What will you get after completion of that task ?
Reward yourself with small treats.
Make a to-do-list and put a check mark on every task you complete,this way you’ll feel productive and satisfied.
Use pomodoro technique.
Assign time limit to finish your tasks and if you finish it within the time reward yourself and if you don’t punish yourself by.
Punish yourself in the sense you could buy your favourite snack and give it to your sibling.
Or you can wash the dishes for two nights ina row.
Or anything which you don’t like can be considered under punishment.
Hope this helps 😊
Good luck 🤞


Think of any work and start doing it at that moment itself. Practice it again and again. It will help u leave ur comfort zone


I end up doing this in the Nth moment only… and this is repeating! Makes me more frustrating!!


Keep urself away from the bed in the day time


It’s chill dude… superrr chill!! 🥶❄️

PS: Did more harm that way, stuck with PC and damaged my back now! 😕

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Sorry to hear that mate.


It’s okay bro. ✌️

Want to work on the root cause now. Till then it will make the damages for sure. Thanks for the helping words 👍✨♥️


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