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I am panicking every single day, because of my future. I just started my junior year, but I basically need to do all my decisions this year, and I don’t think I am ready for it. I am scared, that I will pick a wrong career. A wrong school. Wrong subjects from which I want to graduate. I am scared that I won’t be happy with my decisions.
I always thought I want to be a psychologist, but I am not that sure about that anymore. Plus, I maybe found a career that looks attractive to me, but I am scared I might not be smart enough to do it.
It’s frustrating. I have to pick 6 subjects from which I want to graduate at the end of December, and I still don’t know what I should pick…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @monsieur
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nirak
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @monsieur

varun singhal @monsieur

Hey dont stress it out so much…you have made a decision now take full confidence in it and proceed to make further decision eith more confidence and always move forward

Profile picture for Now&Me member @monsieur

varun singhal @monsieur

If its engineering ping me i maybe able to help you


Hey dont strss out…take a deep breath and think what you really want. I am a psychology student. If you want any help regarding psychology subject,you can message me…i can help you with that…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nirak

Karin @nirak

Hello, I am the one who posted the thought, and I would appreciate if you could tell me more about what it’s like being a psychology student 😅

MadAsAHatter @madasahatter

Hey!! Don’t panic. I know what you are feeling, I went through the same a few months back, hell I am going through it right now but trust me it gets better. Its hard and its frustrating and you get tired but it gets better


You know, time just keeps of moving you never know about it. Our life keeps on moving. Who doesn’t have future worries. If you keep on stressing…that day your hair will be grey. Instead of worrying about your future enjoy the present moments, school or college life , friends, school/college romance class bunking hehe, live that moments you will not get it back. So don’t get tensed unnecessarily still you should have an aim in you to achieve something if it’s psychology go for it. You got this. Go charm <3 💗🐼


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