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qasypeia_ @qasypeia_

I am one of the (few) people who believe in dreams and their meanings. I wake up from a dream of meeting all sorts of friends I have on my journey. I’ve encountered unexpectedly on a train station my childhood friend (Dom), my acquaintance (Philip), my high-school friends (Arra, Sam), work colleague (Joshua) and a lot of familiar faces I don’t remember. Then I Google it. In summary, it just means to say that I have to reflect on my decisions, the learnings etc. Djgdljfudlyskyrky i don’t want to talk about it, my mind is a mess rn haha I’ll research thoroughly about it when my mind is sober.

1 reply

Adri Farm @adrika

I truly do believe like you do that dreams can be true . I believe you need to understand what bond you have in a special way with all of these people you saw in the dream , what’s the common thing in all of them.


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