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I am not happy with the relationship I’m having with my mom right now. I am having a hard time working on this strained relationship that we are having, and it’s been since months now. Ever since I’ve opened up about my boyfriend and I want to marry him. She hasn’t taken it well and I get to hear taunts, and mean statements just because he’s not from our caste.
Until yesterday when the news was not broken to her, I was like her perfect daughter
But now I’m zero for choosing a guy out of the caste. I feel very very terrible dealing with this

1 reply

You are an adult!!! Ik your mom’s approval means to you a lot, but this is your life. You are the one who is going to spend the rest of their life eith this guy, and if you love him say no more. ITS YOUR LIFE. Its time now that we indians stop looking for our parents approval in things like whom we should marry or not, because we start listening to our parents on this matter , we will be stuck in a verbally and physicaly abuse marriage as half of them are rn!!!


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