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I am not good at math I can’t solve or understand it…it’s not just about math I am bad at studying now I don’t like it too I used to get really good grades even without studying but I don’t really know what’s wrong with me anymore my finals are in a week and I just don’t know anything about my classes I just don’t feel motivated I don’t wanna study I don’t know how to study or even from where to start ,everyone I knows get good grades are good at studying etc…I don’t envy them I just wanna be as good as them, and honestly it’s so stressful every day since Tuesday I be like I will study tomorrow and I end up doing absolutely nothing …

3 replies

Sugar Worker @hotworker


What’s the problem though, too much procrastination? We can solve that. We can solve it all though. We can get shite done. How do you normally revise though, if at all? How many subjects/topics do you have to cover?

Malak Ashraf @malouuk


I have six


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