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I am not feeling well… I stuck on one boy and its may be one sided from my side… and I really want to move on from him… but I am unable to do that… I tried lot of times but I failed…Even I talk but he is in casual dating… I want good and healthy relationship and I m sure that I can be good partner but Don’t understand what to do… Anyone can help me on this…

11 replies

Ohk it happens don’t worry it will be fine soon things are getting normal with time


I just you should focus on your instead of trying to move on and make friends & get involve in some activities.

Ajoke Adejumo @exwan

Get to know yourself better . Shower yourself with love . It will get better 😉

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I talked with him… I like him…but I know he doesn’t… thats why I wanna get over from him… but how I m not getting…

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Same story its really difficult


Yesss… how to overcome by this


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