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I am not feeling well. I had a break up. I was blamed for everything. I don’t know what to do. Am I a very bad person. I wish I can talk to someone

2 replies

I was married for 17 years and it came to an end. I was blamed for it. I have now been divorced for 20. I am glad it is over. she never loved me I should have seen it from the start. Live your life and make you happy. you can’t make anyone else happy. If they don’t want you then ef them. someone does find that person! keep looking someone wants you. you will be able to be yourself. it will happen


I want to ask one thing, is it possible that someone tell a lie and then blame us for lying to us? He says I am not worthy of truth, that is why he lie. How is this possible? I am going insane. I did everything that I can for this person, but he blamed me and went away.


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