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I am not feeling well. I don’t know how to explain but i am not able to slep right, I have lost my appetite and the one thing that kept me going was making up senarios in my mind but my mind also feels tired to even think. I am having my exam right now I just can’t get myself to study.i feel like a burden to my parents cause the fees in the institution are high and idk

5 replies

Just give yourself some time!! Find the worth in you… Nd the rsn for y u r not able to study nd boom ur prob will be solved


Honestly idk y I can’t study…I am not even sure if this is what I wanna do for the rest of my life.


So in this case my frnd u need to find that one rsn which is stopping you … I mean about whttt do u overrhink ??? U can tell me if u want :)

Jafar Abbas @jafarabbas33

Exams are HIGHLY overrated. Anything which costs your peace of mind is very costly. Fix your time for studying better if you study in the morning only and I suggest never watch study motivation videos (Personal opinion). I think no one should study more than 3 hrs a day forcefully. Take it easy buddy. Life is more than studying. Just imagine you are on your death bed and ask yourself - would study be worth your peace of mind?


It’s so sad that you’re having such a hard time today. Fortunately, even though the pain you’re suffering today feels unique to you, it actually isn’t-

“What has been is what will be,
And what has been done will be done again;
There is nothing new under the sun.” -Ecclesiastes 1:9

This means that if others in similar or even worse conditions found the help they needed to take control of their lives so can you. Question is, what are you willing to give up to become the very best version of yourself?


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