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I am an independent women, earning decent amount, somewhat living on my own terms, have a loving family but still I am not happy. Don’t people thrive for this in life? I have it and still I am not happy.
Daily when I wake up instead of feeling happy and relaxed I feel exhausted and all I want to do is cry.

I don’t know what is wrong but something doesn’t feel right.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pinkyellowbluegreen
15 replies

Don’t worry girl, it’s completely normal, i used to feel the same, then I started meditating and wrote down things I’m grateful for. And bamm! It’s all happy happy feeling and good vibes. Don’t think too much, just go on a date with yourself, give yourself a nice treat, you’re beautiful, you’re strong and I love you.❤️


Thank you so much for the positivity. I try to give myself breaks and small appreciation and it works for few days then again the sadness comes back.
I will try meditating too♥️


Take it easy girl, it’s okay not to feel okay, take a day off or two, go on a vacation just give yourself time and understand your feelings. You’ll be fine.


♥️♥️ I will


Hey there!
That’s okay. Sometimes the external things don’t provide us as much satisfaction as internal things. Just because everything is fine, doesn’t mine you might be feeling fine too. Don’t put that pressure on you. Speak to a therapist, understand the underlying cause of this uneasiness, and work on it. It is completely normal to feel this way even if you have everything that one might think is all you need.


Thank you♥️♥️
Surely. Its glad that you understand. May be I need to sit calmly and reflect


Hey, you should see a psychologist mental health is very important. Is your life what people expect from you or is it what you really want ? Maybe you are just extremely tired and need to take some time to rest … It can be many things but the problem isn’t from you. Take time for yourself, re-think your life and what is important to you. And go see a doctor. But don’t let anyone tell you you imagining your problem. I wish you all the best.


May be its my work. I am working but may be this is not what I love doing. Whenever i think of doing that I love there is a sense of doubt and not being sure about whether i should leave my job and start my thing, whether there will be money in it and because of all these thoughts i cant make up my mind.


Try as a part time first, step by step. You gotta try or you will always be stuck in this situation.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pinkyellowbluegreen

i felt somewhat same instead i used to wake up angry. I realised that i missed a lot things that i did earlier. I used to write poems and think about random things that would help me question things in a weird way. But when i started working all of this got left behind somewhere. I can be totally wrong, but i think there is something that you are missing out. Some childhood hobby or maybe just a friend circle that you had. Could be even a small treat that you used to give to yourself. Anything. Appreciate yourself (Take yourself on a Date), you are not alone in this. Dont worry.


I somewhat agree with you. But i am too scared to leave well settled life and do what i like. I am taking too much pressure that now i even dont know what do I like

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pinkyellowbluegreen

oh no no, dont get me wrong. I dont suggest leaving your well settled life. I meant that you should add more to it. In this world everyone works but you should have time to recreate yourself in whichever way you find suitable. If you are contributing into something then that will for sure consume your energy, now that is totally upto you how fast you move out of it and start again. Take everyday as a new beginning and night as the end of it.


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