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I am not at all getting what’s happening actually in my life. I am 28 and from past 6 years my parents are trying to get me hitched. Not even a single one goes till to next level. Either they say I am either not good enough or some dont like the dowry we give they need some crores. I don’t really understand why when I am a working women I have to give some crores and why do they expect me to give same dowry as their non working bahu. I am not really into this marriage from beginning but at one point these assholes are making me feel bad and doubt my self. And I am like from last year your wish whoever you like I am ok but still i don’t think I have a love life. My bf broke with me saying his family is not ok for intercaste marriage.
I clearly know marriage is not the outmost thing to do and it’s about Finding a partner to share your life with. But may be I am designated to be alone. All my friends even boys are also getting married. All my school friends,clg and job frnds are married and making me feel I am worthless. Why can’t people agree everyone’s life runs on different timelines not all things happen just because in someone life it does.
I am into the thought now no one really tries or ready to get settled with me. I started concentrating on myself and learning to be alone. But i feel bad when someone questions my parents about my marriage and they get disappointed. Its ok to be alone but sometimes I also feel how life is when I have a partner.

1 reply

Karthik @great_whisper_2

Hey am 47 and am in the same state or mindset … till a certain age I was afraid to get marked and in the later stage sm unable to find a match


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