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I am not a cute person. I am aloof. I am a person who cant say no to anyone. I trust someone, but they never stand with me when i most needed them. I like being alone , but i always wanted someone on my side so that i can open up. Because i am a good listener that people come and express their thoughts. They say that they feel a relief when they speak. But i have none. I feel like people use me. How to get out of this shit?

7 replies

Hey there…it’s okeyy …relax…i understand how you feel. you just need to be a bit cautious while making friends . make a good friend so that you can also express how you feel and will be there with you. I am also a good listener .you can talk to me if you want . we can connect on intsagram if you want .


That really means a lot. I am happy to see such a comforting comment.


I hope you are feeling better and doing good now .😀


I don’t know if it could be any more accurate!!! I have been feeling the same these days. I never say no to anyone and even go out of my way to help others but this is not the case when I need help, people say no bluntly on my face. It’s hard. I feel left out. They make me believe I am one of their v good friends only when they need me. I alwayys think that I don’t do bad with anyone so no one will do bad even with me. But its not the case


I totally agree…people can be let-downs… I’ve come across this saying, time and time, again that expectations for others shouldn’t be held too high…only your expectations for yourself…hold yourself to the standard you want to see in other people…those people will, given the right time and setting, find their way to you. Make sure you’re doing the things you want to do and enjoy doing and you’ll find friends along the way. As someone who feels the same, it’s disheartening when your feelings aren’t returned or reciprocated, but if you want to, you’ll work hard at being the person you want to be…in the mirror and mirrored as a partner.


It’s okay to be alone sometimes. People have a lot of expectations from others and what they actually do for other… Nothing. It is a strong possibility that the person you helped actually betrayed you the worst for his/her benefit without even thinking twice. Even if you never asked for any help then also they try to create a worst situation for you.
This is what this society is! So get rid of such people. Finding good people is like a mirage in this world.


Let me share a story of my dear friend. Her name is say, A and she got married to a man say, B. A got married to B against her family’s wish and B’s family was happily ready. After marriage she got to know that B is divorced and when A asked the reason for the failure of the marriage, they told her that the previous wife was a characterless lady. A started living with them. She is a very intelligent woman and was a bright student at one of the renowned Institute. B and B’s family pressurised the girl to stay with B and either drop the college or convert the study as part time. The books are the only things that can keep A sane. So she refused. Her in laws were continuously pressuring her to leave studies and look at B’s carrier as B was quite old and not doing well at his workplace. They used to raise voice and if she protest against them then they all used to gang up against her and start crying as if she is the culprit. Once her mother in law yelled at her at a public place and everybody was watching, her father in law called her father a bad person and meanwhile B was silent. When she told B that what she is going through he told her that this is her fault. If she wishes, she can stay wherever she wants. So she decided to leave the man. At that point, the man realized that this girl too is slipping from his hand and now who will look after his parents, his sister, brother in law and sister’s children (earlier he was thing that she has no place to go and she will surrender), so he decided to cry again. But this time A was so sure that she will lead her life in her own way (they pressurised her to sign a paper that says she is not forced to get married and all the people are very well behaved and blah blah blah so that’s why she wasn’t able to complaint). She is now doing just fine. Living her life alone and I hope the only life she got on this earth may bring all the bliss to her as she truly deserves it. She hasn’t seen any good thing in her life. The worst thing of her life disguised her as the happiest moment. So she has now reached a state where she cannot feel anything and confined her life to the books only


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