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I am missing my partner or what to call her (a friend ) don’t know why !She is not replying my texts !! Maybe I think I love her more than I thought I would fall for her but she doesn’t realises how much I like her ! Missing her badly🥺😔

17 replies

shubhangi @browngirl2550

Did you tell her that you love her ?


Noo !! I am afraid I might lose her! But I love her soo much ! I can’t lose her

shubhangi @browngirl2550

But you should confess if you want her to see you in that way otherwise you will always be a friend to her not anything more


I have told her once that I liked her ! It was a full paragraph of my feelings ! But she told we were jst friend’s ! But till now she sends me gn/gm texts , pets names etc etc ! What should I think now ?

shubhangi @browngirl2550

See as much as I have dated one thing I know of someone see’s you more than as a friend they do send gm and gn texts.
Did she had a bf in past or recently?


Yes she had but breakup from last 2 years!

shubhangi @browngirl2550

And when did you confess your feelings?


January 2020

shubhangi @browngirl2550

So then try again


But how can I make out is she interested or not ?

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shubhangi @browngirl2550

But atleast you won’t regret that you never said it how you feel
I know the feeling that whether she likes me too or not. But it’s better than regretting I know it’s a risk but i guess it’s a risk worth taking. Even if she likes you as a friend also she will not break all bonds with you so don’t worry


Yes ! Thank you !

shubhangi @browngirl2550



I m missing her right now very badly ! She is not replying my texts also from today morning 🥺

shubhangi @browngirl2550

Stop texting her for sometime it feels worst when a guy friend stop talking to you. Because it feels khokla then. And if she do reply don’t text her back wait if she asks what happened then say everything


Yes ! Okay


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