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I am missing courage to do the right thing. Every Night I decide That I will wake up on time the next day, and do exercise but end up giving stupid excuses to myself.

7 replies

You won’t believe me but I do the same thing. No matter what happens remember that excersise to maintain health not to get slim because whatever you do the world will always oppose you don’t ever do anything to change yourself love yourself the way you are now. Even true love and real friends will follow you themselves OK?


Whatever you do this world will always oppose – Quote of the day.

Not Okay, someday I am good and someday just want to run and cry, currently feeling the same. Miss badly 2016🥲


Same. I wanna meditate and do some yoga but I end up sleeping late


Easy fix my friend, meditate before bed. 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes you decide what is right for your focus. Yoga will come when you get the discipline to do something consistently. Mornings are not the only time to meditate. This is how I started. (I also sleep late). You got this!


Discipline and consistency, Discipline and consistency… say it with me. Those days you do want to, those times you want to just brush it off. Do it anyway. It’s truly, truly hard. But you will find that it is the most rewarding feeling knowing you did something even though you didn’t want to. Be kind to yourself my friend, You got this! I’m rooting for you!


Discipline and consistency. Also train myself to take action. My goal for this month. I have got the weekend now, going to use it wisely. Thank you brother 😊


😂😂same here


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