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I am living in canada and so many people in
my life have done many bad things to
me….now me and my two other friends live
in same house and i never ever get into fight
with them…they both started ignoring me
and always go out alone then i stop
initiating conversations first and guess what
they stopped talking to me… Now i got
injured and not able to walk properly and
they never asked to me that if m okay or if i
need anything…ike whats my fault bro
my boyfriend is very nice but he have to go
to work and can’t stay with me 24/7… as of
injury i m always at home and feel so alone
and depressed

25 replies

I think you should make new friends.

anonymous @parnit

Many of my friends have broken my trust and have shown their real colors after a period of time……because of this i am not ready to make new friends as i am afraid about it


No problem if you don’t want to make new friends. So now it’s time to enjoy your own company.Take time out to do something you adore and do it all by yourself.

anonymous @parnit

I am trying….but fails after few minutes

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but you have to do something. you can’t be sad all the time. you should do something for cheer up yourself.

anonymous @parnit

Yes i should but sometimes I can’t find something that can make me happy or that can distract me from loneliness…


Can we connect ?.

anonymous @parnit

Yes sure


it’s not working properly, will talk you later. BTW your name is sounding like indian name ?.


Yes i am punjabi


Ohh, are you went there for studies ?.

anonymous @parnit

Went where dear ?


Surrey ?..

anonymous @parnit

Yes for studies….but how you know m in surrey??

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anonymous @parnit

Oh ok got it!


ok Bye now I’ve to go. hope we’ll talk more. 🤗

anonymous @parnit


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