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I am kinda in this place inside me where I ain’t sure what type of person do I want to be. If I be cheerful I get exhausted after a point but if I be a lot more calm than I start missing being that happy person. There’s also something I have been wondering whether what I am being is actually influenced by people. But even if so isn’t it natural as we stay surrounded by humans all the time. How can you really just not be influenced? I wanted to be cheerful but eyerytime I be so I feel like people are just taking the energy out of me. Like I don’t know how to explain it any better. It’s just it starts feeling creepy. The people around me, they just make me uncomfortable out of nowhere. Even when I don’t want to come out rude to people I can’t help it because they try controlling me. And I just feel guilty for being that way.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jassie77
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @jassie77

Jasspreet @jassie77


I think you should create a balance between your cheerful and calm personality. And you will get used to it over time. Don’t make the reactions of ppl more important than you


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