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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I am just too exhausted that every little thing is annoying me. I don’t even know where to begin talking about my problems. Be it Covid trauma or my toxic workplace trauma. Comes back in flashes and all I can do is fight those memories desparately trying to process them somehow. It hurts that I still can’t be toxic like the people who I’ll treated me. I live alone because of my work but whenever I go home I am reminded why I am single because I am terrified of relationships as my parents fight all the time and I never want to be in same situation as my parents. All I have seen growing up is quarrels at home. And on top of that my mom body shames me. Last time I went home and she was so aggressively body shaming me that she said why don’t you just starve yourself it nothing is working.
I cried on the way back in my flight.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
15 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Sorry to hear that. Pls take care of yourself and do take time to come out of it. See if you can take a break from toxic place. Do yoga and learn meditation.


I can understand, but don’t suffer because of past things, start new chapter, don’t be alone, talk and share your thoughts that is causing you pain… seriously your mom does that?


Yes my mom does that she says you are fat no one will marry you ( I am overweight but I am trying to lose) it’s not as easy as it seems when you have multiple health issues.


I can understand, your mother should understand that too. Don’t feel bad for what you heard from others, I can understand that you are already giving your best to get a healthy weight.


Why don’t your siblings make your mother understand that you are already struggling because of some issues


And I can talk to you , you can share your thoughts with me.


You are now with your family?


When did health issues started? Are you seeing any d r for that?


When your weight started over growing? From childhood?


I have been overweight since childhood yes but I did lose it once but gained it all back because of not getting time to go to gym . No I am not at home rn , yes I am seeing a doctor I take thyroxine for hypothyroidism.


Ok , I will suggest you to be positive, being positive will boost your growth rate. Like if you will be positive, you will get success in everything. If you want we can connect and talk personally


Do workout at home, gym is not that necessary.

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