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3am ThoughtsThought


I am just there in everyones life. I don’t matter. No one cares

Profile picture for Now&Me member @agoodlistenerhuman
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @agoodlistenerhuman

Brutallyhonest @agoodlistenerhuman

You do matter, just try to do something wrong there will be many people to stop you or point you


I think tht is what i am dng rn

Profile picture for Now&Me member @agoodlistenerhuman

Brutallyhonest @agoodlistenerhuman

People do care, that’s why when someone’s stand is on bike, people ask them to pull it, that’s why when anyone helps a old person carrying weight, that’s why people give their seat to a pregnant lady. Hey, people care. They’re rude at times too but there’s someone who still cares especially for you.


But y is it tht ppl imp to us don’t care

Profile picture for Now&Me member @agoodlistenerhuman

Brutallyhonest @agoodlistenerhuman

Your expectations are killing you bro. This happens with everyone


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