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Pu @pk

I am introvert . I only have 3 friends out of which one is my boyfriend . Last year one of my friends chose not to be friends with me anymore and this year my another friend is not my friend anymore . I don’t have anyone to share my thoughts apart from my bf and I don’t want to pressurize him with all my thoughts . And rn I have reall lost hope that I can ever make new friends. My best friends had really left a scare on me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prakhyatt
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ankushridyanshu
10 replies

I can listen, I know it is hard to not have anyone to talk to.


Did you talk to those who left as to why they did or have an idea about them leaving ?

Pu @pk

Yes it was a very long conversation and I really wanted to sort it out she thought that I have been giving my bf more time but that was not true because we use to meet whenever it was possible but then sometimes it was not possible due to COVID . She use to say alot of things pin pointing that I’m always wrong that use to make me cry alot and I ignore her . I use to say sorry even tho I felt I was not wrong I use to go sort out for some time she use understand but after few weeks she use to bring up the same thing . This kept on happening for almost 3-4 months and then one day she called me and my boyfriend and told me she was feeling uncomfortable and she didn’t wanted to be my friend and the thing which she said at last really broke my heart . That was she never thought that I am her bestfriend . After being friends for more than 3 year hearing that completely broke me and I couldn’t sleep for days . I use to cry alot at nights


I’m gonna share few things which might hurt you, but I think they would provide you a different perspective.
1. Being best friends with someone is a mutual feeling . I have few people whom I call my best friends but I’m not theirs and it’s a common thing (And best friends can change too with time, due to other reasons). It would make things easy for you if can aspect this part of being best friends. (It’s altogether a different issue if she earlier mentioned youre her best friend and now deny it ).

2. Ask your bf about this as well . And yes don’t feel you’re burdening him with this, it is at these times you need his support the most.
Also, post pandemic you can still make friends. So don’t bother too much if it doesn’t work out.

Pu @pk

Yes she had called me and meant that I was her best friend . She was best friend with my boyfriend too but once he forget to tell her something about himself she started thinking that he has not been so open with her . She was angry on him too . He is much more calm then me . And the day she called both of us was to sort but never gave is a chance to speak what we feel . My boyfriend was quite okay because he feels that she has changed alot and she controls too much . Actually he has helped me by talking and making me understand . And I also have to talk about other friend


That’s good to hear about your partner. Talk to your other friend, and maybe get some new friends .

Pu @pk

Thank you so much felt so good


Pandemic has made it more difficult for us introverts. All friends I made after school were because we landed up in same situation. Yes we also struggle to keep them close by, but may be just talk to your friends to find what really made them distance away. Sometimes it’s just our perception. Sometimes they think that we distances out, or we need space.
As a well wisher, I wish you bright day ahead :)

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