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3am ThoughtsThought

Vinny @goodly_dream_2

I am interesting phase right now i am remembering my ex but now her memories not hurting me even good or bad. Yes I don’t want any closure or anything I’ll talk to her in future. I am talking to her in my imagination that if we any chance bumped into each other what all i say but deep down my heart i know I’ll ignore talking to her or left that place in silence is this a last phase or something really bad is coming don’t know

7 replies

You are somewhere in the aftermath of break up …, as you said her memories do not affect you that means most of you have healed … proud of you … it takes courage to do that …you have come here might be long way … so u r asking is anything bad is going to happen … your mind is still desiring to talk to her … and ofcourse you won’t be stopping until you talk to her … see if she is into you she will respond positively and if she is egoistic and not into you she will insult you or ignore you … and may be if she ignores you then you will have no other option just to move on and sooner or later you will find that you were just stuck before and you are in better place now
And if in case she respond positively then things will further depend on what she does and on what reason your break up happened

Vinny @goodly_dream_2

Actually no I don’t want to go to that place again not gonna start everything from zero again

If someone left you with anger he will cone back if someone left you with smile he will never be back. I was that guy who left her that day with smile forgive that soul and move on from her that day

I can see intensity of pain in reduced month by month i am completely different person bow compared to last month and completely lost last to last month

So someone said miracle happened to those who believe in magic so trust in process


Yes you are right you should not go back again as you will have to start from zero and your efforts will go in vain … very proud of you to come out of all this it takes immense courage … so may be just distract yourself in other things and continue with life and may be in future you can try dating too … just move forward with life … don’t look back … a great future is waiting for you … and one day even this one thought wouldn’t matter to you … you will b so so happy with things … wait for that day … things will get good soon … even I have recovered from break up and it feels really good now infact it feels like how madly I was to get stuck in all that … I mean things feel good now … I hope the same for you … all the best … keep shining 🌸✨🫶🏼🌸


Thank you very much for your response yeah after many months now i am laughing my heart out. Yes i thought that breakup was my darkest moment actually it was my best moment that time i knew two things that she won’t be in my life again and it hurts for few months but end of the day everything sums up

I believe in these process trusted myself now kind if proud of myself I did this now looking forward to become a better person and win more people in life because end of the day friendships is constant throughout a life so show must go on 🙂


Hey you are so inspiring …anybody could see that in the words you express … must say you got lovely personality… would love to connect 🤗🌸

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Vinny @goodly_dream_2

Thank you very much for your kind words


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