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I am in relationship since last 2 months and everything was going very well…but because of her past 6 years relationship with someone which she says good for nothing as they never really broke nor she or he is in touch with each since last 2 years+
But still it haunts her and she get very bad mood swings every few days…I really want to sort out the things for her even if she stays with me or not because I really love her very much, Refer below conversation what she wrote yesterday :-
You really think I’m still in my past and I don’t want things to be best. I too want that I forget everything and move on but the fact is I really loved him alot thinking I’ll be spending my future with him and 6 years it’s too long for me to forget everything… Even if I’ve forgot him, his memories are still fresh.
Everybody say the same thing bhul ja past ko future dekh but how will I make someone understand that what I’m going through every se, what about the mood swings, still get haunted by the feelings of my painful past.
So I’ve stopped explaining myself now.
I wish if I could sort things between me and him, I really wish

Please suggest what to do in this so much complex situation from the point of view of me and her .

1 reply

Rakesh @rakesh_2025

6 yr is long time, it will take time to forget, also you need give your all love and respect to her, make her comfortable, give her a assurance that you are always there to take care of her.
Hello with her past u just her with whatever u have l, ur love needs to unconditional, it needs to be better than the other fellow.
Then only she would able to forget as this will give her a assurance that whatever happened is happened for God and she is in safe hand.
Give her the assurance and confidence in life, keep her busy. She will come out of it.


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