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3am ThoughtsThought


I am in a very tough spot right now and I feel lost. I had put a lot of effort for 4-5months and gave my entrance exam but ended up getting an average rank. While my friends joined some of the best clgs around different parts of India my results were uncertain. My best friends and my fiancé ended up getting in best clgs in my favourite city. The city I’ve always wanted to study in, Bangalore. I ended up getting some average/ below average college in the city I’ve been born and brought up my entire life, the place I’ve always wanted to leave. I wanted to have a hostel life with my personal space and freedom. But now I’ve to continue living with my family and can’t have to freedom to go on trips and others. I have the option to leave the college and repeat another year but the pain and stress and uncertainty of getting a better rank next year with increasing competition is like a gamble. Also my family is very happy with the result and the fact that I got in my city. Ps- I can’t afford a management seat. The one I got is a private seat which itself is not that cheap. Idk what to do. I have to make my choice by tmw. N need to pay the fees if I am going to join the clg within few days. It is not refundable

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thegentleguide
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @thegentleguide

Raza Khan @thegentleguide

Join the college you have available and make the most of it.


Hey, I was in same spot some years back and thinking why this happened to me. But now years later I can say it was best. Plus your jobs etc will not depend more on your skills and tools you know… and you can have many other opportunities in future to live in your favourite city. For now, I think You can improve your skills in whatever field your interest lies in, maybe internships to get real life experience too. All the best!


Thank you so much. It’s been almost one month to this post and my life has actually changed a lot.


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