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Long Distance RelationshipThought


I am in a relationship with a guy, whom I met online first two years we spoke as friends, but gradually we started feelings for each other and then we ended up being in a relationship, a long distance relationship for almost 2 years. We even broke up for 6 months in between but got back and even met eachother. Now we are in live-in relationship. Now at this point I feel I have lost the spark but I am very comfortable with him. He is sweet, caring and everything a girl could ask for. But idk is it because this is my first relationship or the idea of settling with first guy. I’m just really confused.

5 replies

I think ur not the type for relationship or u have not socialised that much. Figure out things between yourself.

Vivek Lupane @vloops

After a decent amount of time everyone feels the spark is gone…may be your boyfriend also must be feeling the same.
Can you initiate the spark again?
Because after being together, we take each other granted and this is when we stop doing things we used to do earlier…and the sparks start decreasing as time passes.


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