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i am in a relationship for 4 years…am 20 y/o now and i dont regret any time of it,we have a great bond and i actually started loving myself more,we have never let our relationship affect our career and i have been doing pretty well too…
but am highly ambitious so sometimes maybe i overthink that what would i be doing if i hadnt been in a relationship for these years would i been doing more things,have i become too emotionally dependent…what if he isnt that ambitious…but i also love him and what we share is unique and i dont think so anyone will ever love.respect,understand me way he does

Profile picture for Now&Me member @superstar01s
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @superstar01s

Superstar01S @superstar01s

I know we sometimes can doubt out relationships but you have something that most of the people don’t have, a person who not only loves you but gives you respect, understands you and takes care of you. Never let your overthinking take over your better judgement. Be proud of that person and make him feel special. You are really lucky to have such a person in your life. I hope everything goes well with you two.


yes thank you so much,sure i wont do anything that hurts him


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