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I am in a dilemma… I got cheated on earlier in my relationships, got left or rejected even after he proposed the marriage.
Then similarly every other Indian, I said yes to the arranged marriage even after i didn’t like the guy. My parents were happy and initially I was happy to see them happy.
And then one guy came into the picture, I never told him that I am almost engaged and kept him near. We got so close that I thought I should break the almost engagement but my parents did what every parent has been doing.

Now after one year of marriage, I am still not happy. My husband is caring but we are not compatible. I am still talking to that other guy… I am doing this emotional cheating and don’t even have the guts to break this marriage.

The other guy should move on, but I am not letting him. I am afraid I will be left alone.

12 replies

Work on your marriage. Leave the other gentleman to themselves.


I am trying to do that… I am trying to not to talk to other guy but whenever I do that I get this heart wrenching pain and got depressed 😔


That’s just a phase. Do good.


I hope so… You think I need a therapist?


You can…else sort this within yourself first. It will be good. Leave the guy… Infidelity doesn’t help much. Rest ur choice

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Don’t keep your foot on two boat


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