Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I am honestly feeling so alone. My best friend is very quite im not sure if i did anything wrong. My boyfriend is honestly the only thing thats keeping me on this world. I feel so alone. I hate feeling this way. I hate feeling like im nothing. im tired of being the black sheep. they ask me to get them something all the time but they never get me anything. no matter what i do i feel like im not good enough for them. I am so lonely now and it sucks. Im tired of feeling out of place. i feel like ive got nothing.

2 replies

Hey! You’re definitely not alone! It might seem like everything is going wrong but it’s gonna be okay. Trust me it’s gonna be super okay very soon. You’re not out of place, you just need to make the place yours. Hope you get better <3 I love you


The thought that you are alone is only the problem
Listen,be free
Say to people that is in your mind (if I don’t cause trouble)
You will feel free and close your eyes and just think about your dream dearo i feel the same sometime but
I dont break myself plz do the same :)
Love your self dear


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