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I am having relationship troubles with my boyfriend. It has been going on for a long time now. He no longer shows any interest in our relationship and he doesn’t care about the effort that I’ve been putting into the relationship (attempts at conflict resolution, emotional intimacy, etc.) While he was upset, he told me that he no longer would like to be in a relationship. He said that he doesn’t see any point in us staying together. It hurts because I found someone who inspires me to grow and become who I am meant to be. He makes me feel safe and at peace… I’ve been trying to ask him questions so that he could be more open and honest with me but he doesn’t show any interest in our conversations. When I tell him we need to compromise (which is healthy and necessary in every relationship), he sees it as asking him to change as a person. That is not what I am asking him to do. At this point, I don’t know what I should do to help our relationship.

18 replies

If his mindset is to leave you then you dont have to do anything just leave him.i think he met someone else that’s why he ignore you.


I know that is what I should do but he kept mentioning that we had many differences, and I truly feel that we could overcome them if we put in the effort.


Can you explain me about difference?


we don’t seem to understand one another when it comes to religion and personal habits. I’m fine with compromising but he is not willing to do so. if we talk it through, I know we could accept one another and move forward.


Dont take me wrong but in my opinion he dont want this relationship anymore.So i suggest you to moveon.


I will be talking to him about this tonight. a part of me has been preparing myself for it, another part of me is hoping he will change his mind…


Okay try once only.
Btw where are you from?


I will try once only. I will try to be grateful no matter what happens…
I’m from new york!


Wow NY😍
Can i add you on insta?


Delete it.


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Omg! this is exactly what happened to me. Your exact words are my exact story.
Well, the guy ended up keeping me on the hook for several months because he was getting all the love and attention from me while giving me the bare minimum and broke up with me at the end. Now I feel how did I not see all the obvious signs. If you have reached the extent where you’re already questioning yourself and everything that you do plus you have to convince him to stay, girl it’s already too late.
But this is my story, I would say take your time, think about it and then take a decision. And while youre taking a decision, one thing you must keep in mind is think about YOURSELF first and ALWAYS trust your gut. I hope you feel better. Take care.


thank you. I also hope you heal from your past relationship.

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