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Shiba Shankar @magical_kin...

I am having difficulty to move on,cause of guilt trap.She acted that I worst her life …I want to move on from her but it’s difficult and it’s been year…any suggestions

28 replies

ZiNi @lovezini

It is happening same with me…

Shiba Shankar @magical_kin...

How are you doing to recover yourself

Nishant Singh @nurturing_j...


Nishant Singh @nurturing_j...

Shiba hii if you have time and where r you from ?

Shiba Shankar @magical_kin...

I don’t think it’s okay to share personal info

ZiNi @lovezini

Nothing I’m just going to kill myself in next few months…

Shiba Shankar @magical_kin...

That’s not the solution man…There are other people who wants to see you achieve everything

ZiNi @lovezini

Yeah that is not the only problem in my life I’m a disappointment to everyone…if I die everyone will be happy I hope…and I can do anything to make my family and my loved ones happy 🙂😌

Shiba Shankar @magical_kin...

Noooo man
Who said, it’s your mind only.


I want peace…


You do something to make yourself proud


I already tries everything from which I can make my loved ones proud of me but I disappoint them everytime

Shiba Shankar @magical_kin...

Yaar first prioritise yourself or else you can’t heal


Huh!! Try to explore some skills!! Amd engage in them, build new habits and travel for some time.

Shiba Shankar @magical_kin...

It’s been 3 year I am trying to do those but everytime when I felt alone I just can’t help myself to see her last seen…and again all those things flashes on mind


Why don’t you date someone else?


Cause the trauma I carry and I am not able to trust someone fully


I am having the thoughts of cheating ,or insecurity everything


Then first work on yourself and resolve ur trust issues


How’s it possible


Start interacting with ppl and take it slow and then see what happens ( without interacting with new ppl u can never resolve ur trust issues, u need ppl to start believing in them, so…)


Okay bro…I will try it

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But it’s terrible

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I talked to my friend one day he was in spiritual space

I narrated whole story he told the difficult in moving is you are not accepting you made a mistake as per him i was wrong she was giving all red flags but because of her beauty, sexual appeal or attractive personality you were not aware of reality usually people do that

First of all I accepted that i made mistakes than realised if she really liked me or we are meant to each other first place both will fight each other to save the relationship but nobody does because heart says she is wrong but mind is keep of urge for the external beauty

So acceptance is key and optimistic that tomorrow or 5 year from now you are laugh at yourself remembering this time and who knows how y will be in next 10min also you can have that opportunity to meet love of your life don’t kill that hope

Yeah i know it toughest thing to do but I eventually everything will sum up


Thank you for this


Always remember don’t knock the door which is closed for you or don’t have in faith it opens a little

Just accept its not your door and look around 1000 doors opened for you which opens same root

Deep thought understand


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