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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

I am having a lot of difficulty sleeping by and am worried that lack of sleep will kill me. Google says that lack of sleep can cause heart attacks and strokes. I am so scared. Anyone have any advice on how to fall asleep quickly?

Also, I have had a lot of nasal congestion throughout the day and I am worried that not being able to breathe properly because my nose is blocked will lead to sudden death?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harryosborn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @desolatespace
4 replies

Stranger @perro

Nothing of those you’ve mentioned will happen. Don’t worry. Listen to some good music and try to sleep.


Hey hey hey! Calm down, do not overthink, it happens sometimes, maybe an anxiety attack or something like that… Use sleep hypnosis podcasts, that helps . You won’t die or something if u don’t sleep one day… That said I have insomnia and I couldn’t sleep myself even if I try to… if this happens for more than 2 weeks or so, you should go and consult a psychiatrist/doctor .
That said, u can also vibe to beautiful piano pieces.
Sleep well ✨

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harryosborn

Harry Osborn @harryosborn

Go check a doctor bruh

Profile picture for Now&Me member @desolatespace

Shub @desolatespace

Try involving physical activities into ur schedule bcz if ur body is tired at the end of the day it’ll require sleep to recover and uk that’s pretty how i fixed mine


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