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Profile picture for Now&Me member @xndrxxfrxdxrxck

Amaliya @xndrxxfrxdxrxck

I am having a hard time. I am staying at hostel and there is this one girl who distrub me and my other roomie while studying…we can’t study at all as she is in her phn and calls some ppl all night…i haven’t started to study yet and exams are from next week. So we had a talk and ended in a fight…my parents got involved and they asked me to change rooms. There’s this other girl(there are 4 PPL in a room) and she supports the girl who always distrub me…and now they talk behind me and i tried to ignore most of them…i am so exhausted from crying and i really don’t know what to do…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @xndrxxfrxdxrxck
3 replies

Change ur room

Profile picture for Now&Me member @xndrxxfrxdxrxck

Amaliya @xndrxxfrxdxrxck

It can’t be done until next year


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