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I am going to spend the rest of my life alone. I am a widow and was so in love when he passed and I would never remarry and disrespect him but the fat that I am going to be alone is sad. Its not so much the loneliness that is the issue it is how long I am going to have to wait to be with him and see him again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
2 replies

Can we know how old are you & how much time you were married for? Any kids or working somewhere. And truly sorry for your loss. I do feel he was blessed to have you in his life to love him so much. I’m sure he’s with you still in every step of your way.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


A small different perspective - Marrying again will not lead to disrespecting him in any manner in fact I feel he would want you to be happy in life and not cry every day for him rather cherish his memories lifelong. πŸ’œ

Long enough to be there where he is right now.

What do you feel and what you want deep down? 🌻


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