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I am generally confident person in almost every aspect of my life,but in a love way i am kinda shy and i don’t know how to flirt or either show them i like them.So for a girl how i can start flirting,any tips or anything.I want to be myself but i can also flirt.I would be thankful if girls told me their ways and boys tell me which ways of flirting are interesting and cute.Thank you!

6 replies

Hiya there! I know what you mean - we’re all taught to focus on our education and careers our whole lives and almost never how to explore relationships and dating. What you feel is perfectly natural, I’ve felt it too! Complimenting someone you like or just upfront telling them you think they’re attractive is the safest way to go imo. Put yourself out there - dating apps, social media. When someone initiates a conversation let them know you’re happy to be talking to them, keep the conversation going and don’t be scared to share that you’re nervous!!


yes,sometime is cute when someone admit that they are nervous hahahhaha
great we understand eachother ,btw thank you so muchh 😇


Just be you. You don’t have to do anything special for people to notice you. Those who like you will notice you anyway. Take care


you are absouletly right,thank you 😇


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