Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I am fresher who got placed in a company. Few of my friends have placed in a company with higher package than mine. Instead of feeling grateful for what I have, I am feeling low. A lot of things are going through in my head and I wish I have someone to talk to. I am so confused about my future and life.

5 replies

Janmesh @janmesh

Hey i’m all ears and it’s normal to feel low:)
Let’s talk and get it all out of you :):)


Thank you so much, I will surely do when I am ready!

Janmesh @janmesh



Been there… it’s just ok, just a phase… Do not compare yourself… you’re doing good, things will fall in place… give time to yourself!!


Thank you so much. I will really try to stop comparing and give time to myself and do better.


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