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Body DysmorphiaThought


I am freaking ugly and tired of being that. Just made a tinder profile after a breakup but zero matches, all the people around me get me with those bs suggestions such as “show pics of you with friends”.

Bruh. Hot, athletic guys can get matches by showing shirtless selfies. I am tired of having to make efforts to be sexually attractive. I just want to be hot and I want girls to be attracted to me just because I’m hot. I don’t want them to consider me funny, or smart or exciting or anything, I don’t care about that. I don’t care if that’s objectifying, I want someone to objectify me for once.

7 replies

Tinder is not the place to look for people who see beyond looks. For that u need real connection.

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But I want to be noticed because of looks.


Why . I don’t want to be noticed coz of looks. Only shallow ppl go in that directions I don’t want !!


All my life nobody but my mother told me I’m attractive. Also, I already had a girlfriend that liked me for who I was, there’s not going to be another one.


There will be. I swear

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