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3am ThoughtsThought


I am feeling wat too lonely anyone wanna talk abt anything

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cookie_tea
34 replies
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Hi friend how are you

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I m fine aswell jst going day by day u know

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Yeah exactly feels wht are we even doing with ourselves and if ppl comes to us is only when they feel the need for it

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I mean whats wrong in being considerate for other half of the time we are taught be good to other but when it comes to me where the good why cant they be a bit of patience of wht i hve

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Yeah i understand that i really do maybe i m being too selfish of needing some attention u knw some importance tht everybody have of there own

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Yeah u knw this loneliness really puts a dent to think straight

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Thanks a ton my friend means a lot when u said pray for ya …i pray for you the same🫂🫂

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @cookie_tea

Thea @cookie_tea

Hi! Do you have a favourite video game, TV series or books? :>


Yeah i watch TV series but the thing is u knw not exactly excites me rn i see it but lost in my world …i m not much of a book guy

anonymous bb @hazel17



Hi friend
How are you

anonymous bb @hazel17

Honestly I don’t know
What about you?


Makes the two of us…me too hve no idea hw i m feeling gud sad wnt to cry scream sometimes releasing myself wht be better all this at the same time

anonymous bb @hazel17

Yeah sometimes it’s like I can’t stop crying and other days like today it’s just all numb like no emotion just this void and just wanting somebody to talk and care about me


Yeah i exactly feel n understand wht u r going through rn let me ask you this did someone jst left you like out of nothing or did someone did u wrong to be exact u feel emotionally used??

anonymous bb @hazel17

I didnt have anybody who would leave me like I am the invisible person the last choice in everybody’s life the only time anybody even thinks about me is when they want something and when the work is done they disappear .I just want one person to actually care about me and be there for me I pray everyday for it that I get just one person nd I would do anything for them and never hurt them and care for them


My friend i understand this painful n hurtfull feeling of urs of how discontent n how left out it make us feel even after doing thing with full heart n wanting nothing in return only jst dnt overlook us


anonymous bb @hazel17

Thanks .I guess knowing how this feels makes you want that nobody else feels the same way


Yeah right so please now will u smile even if its jst for the sake of it bcz i said so 😊😊

anonymous bb @hazel17

You too pls smile
It’s feel better 😃❤️

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And u knw wht happens is tht you are so much used to give to others bcz the way you are we expect tht yes they will also do the same but the thing they we keep taking ur sweetness bcz ur the god damn the sweetest so dnt change jst see how to give believe in reciprocation like be there for other but not way too much

anonymous bb @hazel17

Yeah I just. Wish I find the one person who gets me and I would do anything for them literally like never hurt them or let anybody else do anything to them


Ohh you will who love to have such a sweet n amazing person in there life like you untill the person come u hve this friend of urs always here by ur side 😌

anonymous bb @hazel17

Aww thank you
I hope you get all the happiness and a good life❤️


So i dare you if you ever feel lonely now ill stay happy stay strong n do keep spreading ur sweetness dnt let some people change ur Amazing-ness🤩


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