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I am feeling very lonely since I broke up with my fiance. I was in love with him but I realised that he was pretending to be somebody who he was not.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208
21 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208

Black widow @shreya0208

Why what happened?


I can’t take this. 10 days back also I was planning when to get married with my fiance and now all of a sudden, there’s noone in my life I feel.


Was he pretending to make you happy??


Yes…he turned to be an aggressive person.


It is very sensitive thing. Something is missing between you both. I know you talked to him a lot but nothing changed…


Yes that’s what


How long it has been you didn’t talk to hi???


12 days


Is he trying to talk to you??? Or texted you?? Given any kind of sign that he wants to talk to you??


No nothing.


Now he is either taking time or somewhere fed up the relationship… all you have to do is to wait… because if he felt guilty them he must have tried to talk but he got fed up.


Do you want to vent out?


Yes badly.


Texted you :)


So sweet of you!❤️

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