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I am feeling trapped. I feel like talking to no one because it is just getting difficult. I used to have such an engaging life…all was so good…but now this lockdown has stretched on for so long. It feels like…i am losing the person i love the most because of this distance. I finally found someone who is so good…he too appreciates me like a perfect partner should…but we’re stuck in this circumstance. And he’s in a job that requires him to stay for months and months away from the country…we’re not getting the time we deserve…and it gets to him…and i feel so helpless. I am also becoming so hopeless about it. And now i feel like i should just fucking isolate myself from the world. I don’t need anyone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike
2 replies

Hey love, it’s okay, rather than thinking about this and having anxiety, why not talk it out? Talking works wonderss. We can have random chit chat too, and trust me you’ll feel much better, and I’m pretty comforting too, want to give this a shot? How about insta? Can’t stay here for too long na.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike

Sanjay @knowshowitfeelslik...

Why are you thinking like that…if he comes back in months
I think you just feel insecure about your relationship

Just make sure that he likes you back as you do…
Maybe this helps :)


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