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I am feeling suffocated. Finally made a plan for a two day vacation but it kept getting canceled. I live in India and i can’t travel alone because it’s not safe for us women . I was really excited about this trip. I love my family but sometimes you know you have to get some space inorder to love them more . My birthday is coming, i have a feeling for the first time i am gonna cry on my birthday. I have no control over my emotions. One minute i am fine next min i feel like crying my eyes out the next laughing. I just wanna get out of this place. Desperate for fresh air.

9 replies

Convince your family to let you go be firm on your decision


What is it you actually need,i mean on the 1st place . Y are you feeling suffocated!?


I have been in this same place over an year now . I don’t have many friends here ,i get in a lot of fight with my family , i miss my hostel life , i miss the independence and most importantly i miss being busy . This trip was a get away but the people i am supposed to go with bailed. And i can’t go alone. This trip was almost about to happen and it didn’t so here i am .


i feel the same way


When you cant go to the place you want y dont bring that place to your house.


How am i supposed to bring the beach to my house?


Change the decoration of your house to beach theme. Think that you are on the beach.
Like you have already said above you are not happy until you go outside…


Or what you can do is make up with one of your family member and then go with them


Hi. You know you’ll really be upset later on thinking how stupid I was for feeling frustrated with the fact that I couldn’t get out of the house for a trip. I’ll present the thing in a very mature manner. Please try to understand my words with an open outlook.

Don’t you think it’s your own world privilege that you’re now complaining of? Let’s look at this problem logically. You’re a girl. It’s very unsafe outside. I know. You’re at your house because of the pandemic. The virus is on the risk again and we don’t know when will we be able to live our lives normally again. I get it that there are other people going on trips and having fun while you’re stuck at home. But darling, please stop complaining about this. Instead of having small fights with your family and making yourself feel lonely, invest your time in something you’re really good at. Use social media to voice yourself and what you’re good at. If you’re good at fashion, create new looks. If you read books, start reviewing them. If movie, review them. Start something off Instagram.

Make yourself productive. Increase your value.

You’re not earning anything for the family. Instead of sitting and complaining, just make yourself useful. Use your time wisely and productively and you probably wouldn’t have the time to feel sad about going somewhere else.


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