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i am feeling sad, has bee for the past months or so
its about a girl , the very first girl i ever got into a relationship with,shared both our first kiss together. but unfortunately i was so confused with my feelings for her so i broke up with her and felt sad for her at first because i dont like hurting people . but now i am the one thats sad , which should be unfair because i realised the reason i am sad is because she found someone and that someone is my friend, one of my good friends actually. one thought keeps going through my head all day and it is “i hope they break up” and i dont like that feeling because i wouldnt want someone having the same thought if i was the one with her…

6 replies

Let time heal everything. You’ll be great. If you still love her tell her or else just leave those 2 alone and put your mind somewhere else. All the best!


thank you


I’m really sorry for what you’re going through. I know exactly how that feels. I wanna tell you that everything will be ok, but isn’t going to be easy at all. If you love her, it’s just way harder. It’s always gonna be in the back of your head. I can do nothing more than hope that you reach a point where it hurts the least and are able to move on. I wish there was a way I could help.


Heyy… we all have different stories when it comes to relationships…
Mine was that my ex boyfriend was a toxic person and I never realized that. I lost myself in bits and pieces until there was no more of me and that’s when I got depressed over the fact that I wasn’t me anymore. I finally had the courage to break up with him which kind of resulted in a lot of drama and threatening. But even after all that, I felt bad for hurting him by breaking up. Just like you, I didn’t like it when he got together with someone else. He was my first lover and it was quite hard for me even after all of that. It’s been almost a year now and I want you to know that our feelings get the best and worst of us all the time. One thing that’s always constant in our life is friendship… if they are happy together, find a new space… as in… let go of the past so you yourself can be a better you and explore what the world has to offer. I myself couldn’t let go of mine for about 6 or 7 months after the breakup… it’s just recently that I came to understand that I won’t be myself if I hold onto it which ends up hurting me even further. Now, I feel at peace and somewhat happy for doing that because I am slowly piecing myself back together and even though facing him still bothers me, I don’t let it get the best of me. Cherish the relationships you have with people no matter what for they will stand by you when you need them the most. It will take time to overcome what you’re going through… but believe in yourself and you can find what you’re looking for…


i felt that
i apprecaite your genuininess


Anytime :))


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