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I am feeling restless today. I am in class 9. My class have a whatsapp group. Over there they all discuss about boyfriend and girlfriend. There are many so called “couples” in our class. My close friends often tease me because of this. I am new to this school and earlier I was in a girls school.So it is very awkward for me to even talk with them as a friend. I don’t have a single friend who is a boy. My friends keep teasing me. They all are in love(relationship).I know that is not not at all the right age for all these and I am from a conservative family. I have a lot of dreams to be someone respectful. But my friends keeps on chatting with their bf in the group. I kind of feel leftout. I want to focus on my studies but due to them I can’t.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @atozali
Profile picture for Now&Me member @elizabethsmith
14 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @atozali

Kindsoul @atozali

That very mature and smart of you bacche chasing something everyone’s doing is not right do what you feel right doing things makes you happy and your parents proud of you. I have younger sister studying in 9th she is very brilliant and tells me these stories of couple in school and we both laugh out loud don’t feel left out because one day when you’ll succeed your dreams they will be left with heart breaks and sorrow and difficulty moving on in life and You baby you’ll be rocking world with healthy mind and when the right time will come you’ll find ways to love as well ❤️ good wishes for your future


Thanks a lot…for encouraging me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @atozali

Kindsoul @atozali

Anytime sweetheart 🤗


love is not bad at this age the matter how we are and dont care about their teases you just concentere in your studies you will have beeter future and eveyone will come to you you chase you and tease you keep going


Thanks a lot ☺


If they are teasing u be a part of it accept urself the way u are…tell them that yess u r single by choice!!!

Just ignore those idiots and Don’t let them effect you nd on ur dreams


I am indeed trying to ignore them but the problem is that they are my only friends…Anyways…Thanks a lot for advising me


Hi there,
Can I call you bachha.
So bachha you’re so ambitious.
Don’t talk too much tension. It seems you’re enough mature at this age which is a good. I appreciate you that you had not engaged in such matters at this age. You’ll be ohk within few weeks as you’re from girls school so it’s obvious to feel uncomfortable in the beginning in boys girls school.
Just make a move. And make new friends talk to them share lunch with them and enjoy your school day to the fullest.
And always chase your dream
Don’t forget 2 things
1. Hardwork
2. Preserverance

God bless you bachha.
Thank you😉


Yeah sure you can call me baccha
I will keep chasing my dreams and will never forget the 2 things that you told me - hard work, perseverance.
Thanks a ton❤❤

Profile picture for Now&Me member @elizabethsmith

Talk with them about it. Try to make them understand the situation you are in and your feelings. Tell them it’s a sensitive topic and you don’t want that kind of relationship at the moment. If they are really your friends, they will drop it


Actually they are my only friends in this school… So I am a bit hesitant to tell them anything now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @elizabethsmith

Be brave. If they leave you, they don’t deserve you because you are an incredible person! Don’t you forget that you beautiful human! Don’t let anyone mistreat you! Even unintentionally! Life is too short for fear! They ain’t the only people in school! You got this!!!


Ya ! Now I will confront them.Thanks a lot❤❤

Profile picture for Now&Me member @elizabethsmith

You are welcome! You got this!!!


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