Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Avais Shaikh @killshot10

I am feeling lost, helpless, suicidal and feel weak. I am so blocked that can’t think of doing something.
I am worried about my family as I am in one of the worst phases of my life in all aspects

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ianome
6 replies

Hey Avais, I want to acknowledge you feelings. I have felt similar things and had similar thoughts before. Just know the real you is not just this mind or this body it is something far greater. I hope this message reaches you and can bring something about like a shift in perspective or just be helpful. Our world the world we see around us is directly connected to our thoughts if our thoughts are ugly then the world is ugly. If we shift our thoughts to focus on beauty the world becomes beautiful. Our soul will bring to us whatever we put our focus and energy into. I believe this life is a lesson for us all and each of us has a different lesson to be gleaned while we are here. I would suggest breathing and asking deep within yourself if you want to have these feelings. If not then you ask What do I really really want. Once that comes to you it can take a bit, but keep pondering it. Once that has come to your awareness then plan little things you can do to move towards your goal of what you want. These things can be tiny like just waking up and saying one thing you are grateful for. Even if it’s silly like wow I’m glad I had a bed to sleep in. Take those little steps until before you know it your thinking and perception of how things are will change. With Love a Friend.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ianome

David Davison @ianome

That would be fine I’m here to bring the wonder I’ve found in this life to others and through doing so growing within my own soul. I believe we are all connected and just here experiencing our personal journey to learn whatever lessons can be gleaned on the way.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ianome

David Davison @ianome

My journey as I’ve labeled it is my name. However instead of this body I choose to see my soul as true self. My journey now is to become licensed in the therapy that has helped my free my mind and bring this new found peace and happiness to all who are seeking help. I encourage any who read this and is encouraged or it rings true to them to look into RET (Rapid Eye Technology) it’s an amazing therapy that has helped me reach the state I’m in now. However do whatever works for each of you and may all our souls/ spirits delight in the real world as it is not the one we developed and saw with our blinded eyes.


PS Oh and if therapy is not out of the question. I highly recommend looking up Rapid Eye Technology it is based in the United States, but I can attest that it works wonders even over skype as long as you put in the effort and are honest with yourself.


same… but pls don’t let go, I know how it feels like because I am feeling the same thing, I have to fight myself every day and I win because I’m not committing suicide but even tho I won, I also lose, it’s like a losing battle, every time I win I get closer to the edge and every time I lose I get closer to the edge and just become emotionally not stable. and I feel both every day I win and lose but I don’t give up and let go because there is still this little tiny strand of hope that I’m holding on to, I hope you hold onto it too and not let go even tho it’s so hard not to let go. just be ok someday even tho it’s hard…

Avais Shaikh @killshot10

Thank you for your messages but even after trying a lot I am unable to manipulate my brain. Hence was looking for a platform and found this.

I am 35 and lost my job 2 months back. I am not even a graduate so now not getting any job offers. I wanted to do something else in life like something in the creative field but due to family’s circumstances had to work early in life and give up studies. Now I want to do something on my own for the future but I don’t know what should I do and even if i am cut out for something. I dont like or respect myself due to this. Recently I had a surgery and then I was detected with Diabetes too. I am done with this life and wish it ends naturally as soon as possible. I have no one whom I can share even after having a family and some friends as I have been betrayed by all. I don’t seek sympathy but I do want someone to understand the situation and guide me professionally atleast. I don’t know what else to say as the block in my mind doesn’t even let me articulate my problems properly. This is so frustrating. I am a Loser


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