Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I am feeling like I am numb . I am bored and also restless . I have tried doing some work but it become a mess because I couldn’t concentrat in it . I am feeling really lonely . I feel like an useless person . I feel like I can’t do anything . I want to feel motivated for my coming exams and do really good . But I am feeling anxious and I can’t study . What to do ? I want to study but I read one line and start spacing out . I am feeling like lazy and useless moping person . I feel like shit .

2 replies

Let it all out okay? Cry, scream and cry some more. You are feeling useless because your head is making you feel that way. Try to do something you’re good at. Or listen to music and zone out or go out for a walk (obviously with a mask on). Eat some sugar, it really helps sometimes. In the end, sit down, gather your thoughts and sort them out. Every though of yours is tangled that is why you are feeling anxious and can’t study. Write it down. Sort it out. Talk to your self. Remember you are not alone 🌻. A lot of love your wayπŸ’—. Hope this helps!


I feel free after crying but the problem is I can’t cry . When my situation gets hard , I just can’t open up and let it out , I try to isolate but some people are always there . Even if I succeed isolating myself , I just sat there like a ghost . When I really feel extremely hurt , only then I cry or a really sad heart breaking story . I eat chocolates when I am lonely but I ended up eating again and again . Then I feel like I will gain more weight and be more fat . I can gain nothing in life but weight .

Thank you for advice . I will wear mask , don’t worry. Good night .


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