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Body imageThought


I am feeling kinda sad and depressed about like my body appearance…as am too skinny and because of that my parents are tensed…i do have the problem of anxiety and because of which i couldn’t eat anything for like the whole day and this thing goes like forever…i didn’t eat anything and if i did… nothing changes…i"ll skinny then also…idk…like what to do with my health

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gypsy
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anu_xoxo
12 replies

Anmol Singh @me_anmol

Hey there, I can understand, I’ve been through something similar. Have you ever tried Reiki Healing Therapy?


No!! Actually idk what therapy it is…can you explain it to me


It’s a spiritual healing technique. It is a calming energy that comes out of the hands and is applied to the one who needs it. Sounds unbelievable but trust me you can even feel this energy and has done wonders for me. Give it a Google search


Thanks a lot😭


Same condition here. My suggestion would be do some research on your metabolism. Try to eat more good calories than how much you burn in a day. Check it with a calorie tracker app like healthifyme. Try new types of food which are good in fats, carbs, and protein. Eat this for a week or two. Then check your results. If not great…add some muscle mass gainer shakes and protein shakes lightly to your diet. Not here to shame your body image n all. But sometimes an extra muscle could help. TBH there’s rarely who don’t consider your appearance. Most of them does give a shit abt how you look. Sad part…
Just don’t get anxious abt it. Convert that anxiety into rage and motivation to gain some weight…
Best of luck.

tanishka @tanishka_21

Thanks a lot…will try this for sure☺️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @gypsy

Gypsy @gypsy

Be happy that you are slightly underweight

At a time when the world is grappling with obesity and extreme obesity.

Just ensure that u r not weak or feeling dizzy while working.

Yes, regulate ur diet and life style. Don’t lose sleep on other people’s comments

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anu_xoxo

Anu @anu_xoxo

Wow. Be happy you’re underweight? Wow. I have no words for you.


Do some workout 💪,then everything will be align.

tanishka @tanishka_21

I did start doing it…but then i stopped🥲


Umm… Fuck those who say underweight is healthy. It really is not. You could have an eating disorder and could get so many problems due to that. Please see a dcotor/nutritionist/therapist if you get any health concern.

tanishka @tanishka_21

I did went to a doc today…but as usual he handed me meds to cure myself…🙂


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