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I am exchange student in Italy and i feel anxious that I will not be able to talk with people and that I am not confident enough to talk to strangers. I have never been a person to do that in my life, but i felt like i was interesting and what if we talk i will find a way to get all their attention, i was going to places and i felt like i was a king there(very confident). The worst part is that my Italian is not very good and the people dont speak much english, so i feel even more trapped. If anyone feels like this, share your story with me :)

8 replies



Hey, whats up stranger, how are you feeling?


Not good…! Hws you… Italy is beautiful isn’t it


Ooh yeah, some places here take your breath away, you should visit it some day


Don’t worry you’ll be absolutely fine there. People there will be happy to have you and will teach you Italian. Try to calm yourself down by deep breaths (focus on your breathing) or try meditating for 5 mins. Everything will be okay. You know deep inside that everything will be okay, you’ll be very happy there and everyone will be happy to have you. Don’t let overthinking ruin your excitement. Sending love and hugs to you :) take care and always remember that you are strong :))

Martin Mihov @afshin

Thank you, i apreciate this❤


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