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Aakifah @kifah

I am even scared to post a pic of myself because ik everyone will hate on me even more and idk I just want it to be over

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pickaaboo
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324
16 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pickaaboo

Xavier @pickaaboo



💓💓💓i love you… Pretty girl

Aakifah @kifah

I am not I am not I am not😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Don’t think much. Trust me ppl will never be happy. Whatever you do it’s never to enough.
Rather do what you love.
Personal experience. I used to be fat. Ppl
Call me fat n bad things. I did so many unhealthy things reduce weight and all started saying you become so thin look like a drug addict or smthing. Even my family.
Now I am freaking suffering from bulimia.
So I can understand what n how you feeling right now.
Only one suggestion. Love yourself no matter what you are n stop what other think.

Aakifah @kifah


Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Pls love yourself no matter what. Start loving yourself accept yourself.
The day you start doing it you get more confident. And trust soon ppl will start doing the same.
Treat yourself the way you want other to treat you.

Aakifah @kifah


Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Hope you are good today.

Aakifah @kifah

Currently crying 😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Ohhh wanna talk? You can connect if you want

Aakifah @kifah

I don’t think I can

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324

Why mate what happen?

Aakifah @kifah

I just…idk I can’t talk about it rn

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ank2324

no-one @ank2324


This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Aakifah @kifah

Thank you


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