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i am depressed to the point that i dont wanna feel that pain anymore .i just want to run away somewhere how can i live like this

6 replies

Please know thr behind your depression and analyse it


I don’t know if this helps… just go to a beach or any where like a vast area… just sit there enjoying the nature … Maybe put some music also …
Don’t worry you will get past this 😘


Hey there, I guess always of us have been through something similar. I can totally understand your situation and I’ve been there. But trust me things will change, life will change, never lose hope. Spend time with yourself and figure out things slowly, do everything which makes you happy. Trust me, you will be in a much better place. Take care of yourself. ♥️


Hiii I think so I’m going through same only I hope we both can help each other


if you know how to end this pain do help me


Why not? Can you tell me how to reach out to? So that we can talk about it


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