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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamesh1997

James Hermon @jamesh1997

I am dealing with a very traumatic situation and would like to talk to someone about it. The thoughts bouncing around in my head make it difficult to focus on anything else and actually cause quite a great deal of pain. Talking about it has helped in the past but my close friends are asleep at the moment and I also don’t have more than a couple who I would feel comfortable opening up to. Definitely 18 + only, please.

The stressful situation isn’t an emergency or anything that initially comes to mind when reading the first sentence. It just involves close friends, living situations, and typical but traumatic things that happen in typical relationships, friendship and other. I’ve always found that I can’t deal with those thoughts in my head without hearing them out loud and have always had someone to talk to about them up until right now.

First time using the site, so apologies if this is not what this is for or I am inadvertently breaking any unknown rules

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamesh1997
14 replies

You are free to open up! All ears n eyes on it!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamesh1997

James Hermon @jamesh1997

Well I have a best friend who just started getting addicted to hard drugs. That sucks. Some living situation issues with people I’m supposed to / am living with that frustrate me because of the chance of being homeless. Most of my friends have families to fall back on I don’t so i feel ostracized just by this difference too. Think I might be having a nervous breakdown. Anyway, can probably see why I wanted to tells someone this directly rather than spew everything at once…


First thing you can do is guide your friend and help him come out of this…secondly, keep yourself relaxed and look at the positive side… I believe you come across every situation to get a better hold on your life! Take your time and keep walking on the right path!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamesh1997

James Hermon @jamesh1997

I tried and its just getting worse and our relationship is suffering too because they’re a ******** when they’re on or withdrawing from use. Thank you. I really appreciate the advice. Will try to stay positive


You can take everyone’s responsibility. Look for a better life for yourself but don’t give up on them too. They might need anytime sooner or later… be a good friend but keep yourself above everything


Can’t take****

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamesh1997

James Hermon @jamesh1997

I’m also freaking out about potentially being homeless. Rent is increasing so much and I don’t feel confident I can definitely find a place by end of July which is when i would need to. My friends are just going home but like I mentioned I don’t have family. I have some medical issues that require i plug something in at night + take medication so I’m also terrified of what would happen if i was homeless. I don’t think it would just be not having a place to sleep but a lot more final


There’s always a way… N there must be some way for you too… I’m sure you just need to work a lil hard to look into it!! There must be someone who could lend you some help. Keep your energy positive!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamesh1997

James Hermon @jamesh1997

Okay. I’m sure there is someone, but I don’t know anyone that can help with this though


Use your social media platforms. Coz home is a necessity. There might be someone ready to offer you the help.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamesh1997

James Hermon @jamesh1997

I don’t really use social media. I never found that very entertaining and I didn’t get into it when I was younger in high school. That’s a good suggestion though

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jamesh1997

James Hermon @jamesh1997

Just writing my thoughts out and responding to you has been helped with my anxiety a little bit though. Thank you very much


You are on right platform. All ears. Say

chutki @sum1

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