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Profile picture for Now&Me member @zish23

zizi @zish23

I am dating this guy and I care about him a lot but I’m not in love with him. He’s not stable enough to bear a breakup and I don’t want to hurt him by leaving him alone. This suffocates me it’s like I don’t have a option.

2 replies

He clearly has insecurities. Imo if you really care about him, tell him the truth why you lost interest on him and leave him. This would be good for both of you.


I’ve been there once. I stopped myself from breaking up, but the more I bottled up, the worse my condition got. And one day it came pouring out, and it made me feel horrible. But you recover. You take time, lots of time, but the more you stop yourself, the worse your reaction will be when you can’t hold it in any longer.


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