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I am carrying a heavy heart since I was 14 since then my parents keep forcing me to get marry first my dad and now my mom I am living in a total misery they’re not even asking about my dreams or helping me to reach my goals at some extent my sister’s are always blaming me cursing me keep reminding me to get married I know I will live a life full of regrets i am burying my dreams I am getting destroyed and my family and the society is blamed I will never forgive my family and with those who i have blood relation… It’s about a year that I stopped my self from crying and that made me numb towards everything and everyone only 1% mercy left on me I would never live a happy life. I won’t let myself live a happy life not now not never…

5 replies

Hi, I am so sorry that you are going through this right now. I’d just like to say that please don’t take any decision which you will regret for your entire life. If you want to go achieve your dreams, please go after them. Don’t come under the pressure of anyone else, it is your life. If you know this won’t make you happy then please try to talk to your parents about it. Please don’t give up on your dreams or on yourself.


Thank you so much for all the support and kind words this means alot to me i hope that i achieve my dreams soon just please keep praying for me 🧡🧡🧡🧡


eyy babygirl, you’re defitnely worth it. please try to forgive yourself for whatever you feel like you’ve done wrong in the past and also the people around you.take your time, take your own pace to let yourself breath for awhile. sit down somewhere maybe for 3-4 hours, anywhere from home that can make you feel at ease. Don’t think about your problems for awhile, after setting up some time to feel sad/ acknowledge whatever emotion that you’re feeling… go on and make decisions, but not when you’re upset or unhappy etc. take a moment to think about what you can do, talk to a friend/stranger/ sign up on a counselor online. ANNND put your faith in god, believe in yourself that you can and you will. even if im just a stranger passing by, i know that you defitnely can go through this. jusst… take a moment for awhile by not thinking about it.lusten to some musics, listen to a motivational speech for awhile, its like putting a pause on your life.


after that, let it all out about what you are feeling to them. be honest and try to be the nicest that you can. you dont gotta respond fire with fire… sometimes they just gotta see like how become completely nice even when they are bringing negativity to you. Be nice even when you dont receive goods.


Thank you so much this means the world to me i will definitely try this and i hope that god Bring a miracle to my life ❤️❤️❤️❤️ blessed ☺️


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