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I am been struggling with my height insecurities for a long time. Ever since I was 12, I have suffered a lot because of my height. I have been bullied, sidelined and what not. This has taken a big toll on my self confidence and made me underperform in other aspects of life. Now also people will just bring up my height thing so casually but it’s really bothers me. Seems like I just can’t get over it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranjalihanda
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranjalihanda

Pranjali @pranjalihanda


Ohhh, to be very very honest, I faced exactlyyyyy same issue also at same age 12! You know what? I was not left out but I lost my confidence because of my self conscious ass which actually made me left out! I practiced exercise, workout for 3-4 months which hardly impacted, cause you know that needs so much effort. Humans have this quality to think about themselves more than anyone else thinks about them. I’m 15 now and I think as it happened in my case, I’ll tell you those tips:
1) while and whenever you have conversations in your head, and they include your short height, pls try to focus Somewhere else. You should talk to yourself as you would do to someone you love.
2) stay away from friends who make you feel bad about your appearance. That might even include unfollowing people from social media. Stay with kind People, if you have no one, I’m always there!
3) try taking inspiration or self found tips from short but intelligent people on internet.

And lemme share something, one of my tall friends hate being that way and says we are always found to be more cute! πŸ˜‚

Im sorry if any of my words caused any inconvenience!


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